Project title: Integration Pathway for New Adult Migrants and Refugees – IPNA MAR)
Program: ERASMUS + KA2
In order not to cause problems or conflicts between the local population and the arrivals, a well-functioning integration system is needed that will ensure the successful entry of refugees into the labor market, social and public life of the country. The need for integration into the labor market is an important issue, integration needs are complex, having an interface between integration into the society of the other country and its labor market. The implementation of the IPNA MAR project aims at helping new adult migrants and refugees, starting with their integration from groundwork. It is important for the target group to provide information about the language, history, institutions of the host society, and this knowledge is essential for successful integration and the fight against discrimination.
The aim of the project:
Create and test a training tool for professionals working with new migrants and refugees. The essence of the methodological tool is to develop social skills and civic competences.
Project duration: September 2017 – August 2019
Project partners: The Organization for Poverty Alleviation & Development – OPAD (Sweden) Public Institution Social Innovation Center – SIC (Lithuania) AMV Association (Romania)
On 31st of May, the final conference of project Integration Pathway for New Adult Migrants and Refugees – IPNA MAR was organized in Šiauliai. During workshops attendees were introduced with the project and its innovative working methodology – comics. Moreover, they had a chance to use it in practice.
The aim of the project IPNA MAR – to create and pilot the methodological tool for specialists working with migrants and refugees.
On 1st of June, project partners had their last meeting to discuss the progress, results and future steps.
Project partners:
The Organization for Poverty Alleviation & Development – OPAD (Sweden)
VšĮ Socialinių inovacijų centras – SIC (Lithuania)
AMV Association (Romania
The Social Innovation Center, together with partners from Sweden and Romania, is implementing the Erasmus project+ project “Integration Pathway for New Adult Migrants and Refugees – IPNA MAR “. The 2nd meeting took place in Bucharest Romania from 28th – 30th September 2018. The partners met for the second time to talk about implemented project activities, first results and future steps.
Also we talked about the outcomes and did analysis on the strip and adult educators’ tool`s materials for the intellectual output and discussed about the quality indicators identified at each partner level and organizations working in the field that could be used in the future distribution to other education providers in partners’ countries and EU at large. At now, Social Innovation Center planning date for multiplier event of final meeting for final evaluation in Lithuania, Šiauliai.
Project partners: The Organization for Poverty Alleviation & Development – OPAD (Sweden) Public Institution Social Innovation Center – SIC (Lithuania) AMV Association (Romania)
VšĮ Socialinių inovacijų centras, kartu su partneriais iš Švedijos ir Rumunijos įgyvendina projektą Erasmus+ projektą „Integracijos strategija naujai atvykusiems suaugusiems migrantams ir pabėgėliams (angl. Integration Pathway for New Adult Migrants and Refugees – IPNA MAR) “. 2017 metų rugsėjo 28-30 dienomis vyko antrasis partnerių susitikimas Rumunijoje, Bukarešte.
Antro susitikimo metu diskutavome apie jau įgyvendintas projekto veiklas, pirmuosius rezultatus. Diskutavome apie kilusius sunkumus, dalinomės patirtimi. Taip pat aptarėme priemones, kurios galėtų padėti išvengti sunkumų įgyvendinant projekto veiklas. Dalinomės šalių patirtimis, dirbant su migrantais ir pabėgėliais.
Be to kalbėjome apie projekto kuriamo produkto t.y. komiksų pritaikymo galimybes kiekvienoje iš partnerių šalių. Numatėme būsimus žingsnius bei tolimesnius darbus.
Projekto partneriai: The Organization for Poverty Alleviation & Development – OPAD (Švedija) VšĮ Socialinių inovacijų centras – SIC (Lietuva) AMV Association (Rumunija)