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  • Writer's pictureVšĮ Socialinių inovacijų centras

From September 1, 2020 VsI Socialiniu inovaciju centras will start coordinating the new project!

New ERASMUS + project starting from 2020 September 1

From September 1, 2020 VsI Socialiniu inovaciju centras (SIC) will start coordinating the new a two-year Erasmus + KA204 project ,,NEurodiversity at work: Supporting young adults with ASD enter and succeed at the workplace” and implementing together with partners - Innovation Hive (Greece), Stichting Drawing to Health (Netherlands), STANDO LTD (Cyprus), LATVIJAS UNIVERSITATE (Latvia) and SC PSIHOFORWORLD (Romania).

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) -it is a lifelong complex developmental disorder, characterized by impairments in social communication, social interaction and social imagination that affects every individual to a different degreeAccording to the Autism Society, ASD is the fastest growing disease with an annual growth rate of 10-17%.

The final products of the project are as follows:

1) a joint program for the development of soft skills in young people with ASD (IO1);

2) online soft skills development textbooks for ADS individuals (IO2);

3) el. learning platform (IO3).

The project is funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus + program.

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