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Writer's picture: VšĮ Socialinių inovacijų centrasVšĮ Socialinių inovacijų centras


The 1st of September, 2018 VsI Socialiniu inovaciju centras (LT) with partners from UK – Apricot Training Management LTD, SE – Folkuniversitetet stiftelsen vid Lunds Universitet, MK – Proficio Skopje, ES – INSTITUTO EUROPEO DI DESIGN SL and TR – Aydin Valiligi started ERASMUS+ KA204 project “MENTOR – Career-mentoring for transition success to work life” (2018-1-LT01-KA204-047032).

MENTOR will develop a Career-focused mentoring methodology which will be perfor

med with disadvantage groups of adult learners (unemployed, low skilled etc.) by trained mentors and supported by experienced tutors.

At the beginning of the Project provisional draft of Guidelines for Career-focused mentoring and Training material for training of adult teachers-tutors will be elaborated and 10 tutors will be trained. The Self-awareness diagnostic tool, Handbook and Tutors guide will be improved and translated into partner’s languages. Self-awareness diagnostic tool, that was elaborated and adopted by partner Apricot Ltd will be transferred to all partner countries. This particular diagnostic uniquely incorporates the analysis of a person’s approach to mastering new tasks, knowledge and skills and is validated by the Psychometrics Centre, University of Cambridge. This Tool, translated into partner languages, will equip Career mentors with an effective instrument for self-diagnostic of mentees and helps to lead them to find strategies for success and career decisions based on each mentee’s personal qualities and

who later will perform the pilot mentoring with 60 final beneficiaries – adults in disadvantage situation (unemployed, low skilled, etc.). The feedback collected

by mentors performing the pilots will refine, finalize the Guidelines for Career-focused mentoring, that will be available via Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.



On the 28th of June, the final conference of the Erasmus + KA2 project “MENTOR: career mentoring for transition success to work life” took place in Šiauliai P. Višinskis Public Library.👩‍🏫

During the project a Career-focused mentoring methodology was developed and performed with disadvantage groups of adult learners (unemployed, low skilled etc.) by trained mentors.

👉During the conference, the methodology developed during the project, the projects implemented by VsĮ Socialiniu inovaciju centras and the workshop Socialinės dirbtuvės were presented to specialists in various fields.

👉There was also discussed about the mentoring process, the challenges of working with clients. The activities of the association MINTIES BITĖS and ongoing projects were presented.

After the presentations, a practical part of the conference took place, during which the conference participants could practically test the Mentor project methodology and fill in a self-awareness diagnostic questionnaire, which can be used to determine their personality type and most appropriate career direction. Thank you for participating!


Attention❗ After a long quarantine, we finally invite you to a “live” conference Conference topic: closing conference of the project "MENTOR: career mentoring for successful integration into the work environment" The purpose of the conference: 👉Present the "MENTOR" project and the methodological material created by it 👉During the conference, participants will have a unique opportunity to put into practice the methodology of the project, which aims to help professionals working with the elderly from different social groups. Those wishing to participate in the conference must fill in the registration form: IMPORTANT: pleasant surprises await the participants of the event❗


2020 07

Mentoring for successful integration into the work environment 🚩 #mentor # MOKYMAI✔ Want to understand the need for career guidance for disadvantaged adults? Strengthen their social ties, emotional well-being? To help the long-term unemployed, the low-skilled and so on. find a job? 🚩We invite you to 40 o'clock. theoretical - practical training "Mentoring for successful integration into the work environment". Individuals will receive certificates upon completion of the training. The curriculum consists of 5 modules. Part of the training will take place remotely. 🚩Training is one of the components of the ERASMUS + KA204 project “MENTOR: career mentoring can be integrated into the work environment” (2018-1-LT01-KA204-047032). The project is funded by the Erasmus + program. AstNote: The training is open to individuals with more than 2 years of focus in adult education, and upon completion of the training, they will commit to implementing a mentoring program internship with 2 students and submit reports. Registration for training until July 28. el. email: to


2020 07 09

July 9, 2020 Employees of the Social Innovation Center carried out a regular group session of the project “Choose, Achieve, Keep” at the Pakruojis Association of the Disabled, during which they presented not only Lithuanian but also international projects, INCLUDING MENTOR: “Career - Mentoring for transition success to work life” (translator MENTOR: career mentoring for successful integration into the work environment) (2018-1-LT01-KA204-047032).



This time the MENTOR partners met in Loughborough, UK! Partners Apricot Training Management LTD organized a great meeting, where training for curators took place on November 5-7. Training helped tutors to getting acquainted with conceptual framework of Career centered mentoring approach and develop their skills to transfer knowledge to mentors and supervise mentoring processes. Tutors will be able to understand guidance needs of adults in disadvantage situation and enhance their social relationships and emotional well-being, improve their soft skills through instruction and conversation, and promote positive identity development through serving as role model and advocates.

Training of tutors will ensure sustainability of the Project results and continuity of career mentoring activities. Trained tutors will have competence and skills to continue training of mentors and supervising of mentoring processes. Educational activities as well discussion and dialogues with the beneficiaries (trainees) make them internalise and fully accomplish the competencies on which their are working through the training path.

On 31st of May, VšĮ Social Innovations Centre presented the project Mentor was presented in the Conference, in Šiauliai University Library. The Conference was attended by different specialists – teachers, social workers, psychologists, social pedagogues, etc. Project manager Aurelija Jankiene talked about the essence and aims of this project. Project MENTOR aims to support adult educators by developing an innovative Career-focused mentoring methodology for fostering the inclusion and employability of disadvantaged adult learners (unemployed, low skilled, needing to change occupational field etc.). During the workshops Vilma Tubutiene presented the main methodologies used in this project. We are glad that so many people found time to participate in this amazing event.


The Kick-off meeting of MENTOR was held in Skopje, FYROM on 1-5 of October, 2018.

The participants Project coordinator – VsI Socialiniu inovaciju centras (LT) and Partners from UK – Apricot Training Management LTD, SE – Folkuniversitetet stiftelsen vid Lunds Universitet, FYROM – Proficio Skopje, ES – INSTITUTO EUROPEO DI DESIGN SL and TR – Aydin Valiligi presented their organisations’ activities and experience and practice in mentoring, coaching, employability and soft skills development programmes. Vilma Tubutiene from Project’s coordinating organisation presented idea, objectives, overall activities, expected results, and intellectual outputs of MENTOR. Then Dissemination and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy and Quality Assurance and Monitoring Plan were discussed. Hilary Hale from Apricot Training Management LTD introduced with Self-awareness tool which translated into partner languages will equip Career mentors with an effective instrument for self-diagnostic of mentees. Project manager Rita Brijunaite provided Administrative information: contracts, funding rules, project documentation, IT tools for communication and data, regular and effective communication, setting dates of PM, etc. Official part ended with Meeting evaluation.

Receiving organisation Proficio Skopje organised an exiting Social programme-networking for meeting participants. The Old Bazaar, Turkish Hammam, Macedonian Ethno Village, Memorial House of mother Teresa and other wonderful places were visited.

On 6th-9th May, Social Innovations Centre (LT) and partners from UK – Apricot Training Management LTD, SE – Folkuniversitetet stiftelsen vid Lunds Universitet, ES – Campus Sant Joan de Déu, Fundació Privada and TR – Aydin Valiligi had 2nd Transnational Meeting of the project “MENTOR: career mentoring for transition success to work life“, which was held in a beautiful city of Barcelona, Spain.

New partner Campus Sant Joan de Déu, Fundació Privada was introduced and shared their experience and knowledge. During this meeting, Hilary Hale (Apricot, UK) introduced everyone with Self-awareness tool, its peculiarities, and possible issues in translation, it aims to develop an innovative Career-focused mentoring methodology for fostering the inclusion and employability of disadvantaged adult learners (unemployed, low skilled, needing to change occupational field etc.). Later administrative and monitoring information was reminded in order to ensure appropriate execution of the project. After the official part, social programme was organized to see the main attractions of Barcelona. We are grateful to our partners from Spain for their hospitality and everyone for participating.


Successful completion of ERASMUS + KA204 project "MENTOR"

From September 1, 2018 Vsi Socialiniu Inovaciju Centras (Lithuania) together with partners from the United Kingdom - Apricot Training Management LTD, Sweden - Folkuniversitetet stiftelsen vid Lunds Universitet, Northern Macedonia - Proficio Skopje, Spain - CAMPUS SANT JOAN DE DÉU FUNDACIÓ PRIVADA and Turkey - Aydin Valiligi ERASMUS+ KA204 project “MENTOR – Career-mentoring for transition success to work life” (2018-1-LT01- KA204-047032).

The idea of ​​the project is to support adult educators by developing an innovative Career-focused mentoring methodology forfostering the inclusion and employability of disadvantaged adult learners (unemployed, low skilled, needing to changeoccupational field etc.) The end of the project is December 31, 2020.

During the period of implementation the project MENTOR , self-awareness diagnostic tool was developed – and piloted in the partner countries with disadvantaged adults - final beneficiaries. The developed methodology can be used for train the Mentors too.

During the quarantine period, the partner organization Apricot Ltd adapted a diagnostic self-awareness tool and prepared it for online use. The tool brings together specific areas to be analyzed, revealing a person's attitudes towards new tasks, knowledge and skills. This particular diagnostic uniquely incorporates the analysis of a person's approach to mastering new tasks, knowledge and skills and is validated by the Psychometrics Centre, University of Cambridge. The self-awareness tool has been translated into the languages ​​of the partner countries and is already being used as an effective self-diagnostic tool and benchmark to help find the most appropriate career strategy for disadvantaged people (low-skilled, long-term unemployment, etc.).

On November 16, project partners met on the GoTo Meeting platform to discuss how the adapted diagnostic tool works online, and refreshed the most important stages of training.

In December, the multiplier events will be held in all partner countries with the participation of representatives from adult education institutions, institutions providing employment or counseling services.

At the end of the project (31 December ,2020), the project results and products will be available as e-source via Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.

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