About project: In the field of technical careers within the newEuropean priorities in education and training,higher education system should boost theknowledge economy and respond to labor marketneeds and contribute to the demands of a changinglabor market by raising skills and applyinginnovative approaches to improve the relevance ofcurricula by enhancing the transition to theemployment of university students, as well aspromoting gender equalityOn this basis the INNO-TEC-LAB is aiming toadvance technical careers by enhancing therelevance of curricula in adapting to current laborand societal needs, and to support innovation inthe field of design in technical careers through anetwork of innovation laboratories.
Key objectives: To create and validate a model based in interdisciplinarity to support innovation in the field of design in technical careers through a network of inovation laborotories that will be connected to each other and will serve to improve learning tools, knowledge exchange, training of learners and researchers.
Project news
VšÄ® Socialinių inovacijų centras, Social Innovations Centre was hosting INNO-TEC-LAB “Development of opportunities in the field of design for technical careers through innovation-laboratories” (nr. 2020-1-IT02-KA203-079775) transnational project meeting on 28th – 29th of June.
We were glad to welcome project partners from IED - Istituto Europeo di Design (Italy, lead partner), European Digital Learning Network (Italy), Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu (Finland) and Sustainable Development Management Institute (France).
During the meeting project partners discussed intellectual outputs created and any remaining tasks to be done till the end of the project on the 13th of September 2022. Partners also discussed communication and dissemination of the project and final Multiplier Event and Transnational Project meeting that are going to take place in Milan, Italy on 8th-9th of September 2022.
For more information about the project:
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland has hosted multiplier event and transnational project meeting on the 7th – 8th of April 2022.
The multiplier event was aiming to gather together project participants and international stakeholders from the fields of education and working life. The project partners wanted to:
Share intellectual outputs of the project and results to date;
Create an interactive event to reflect on how inter and transdisciplinarity can innovate careers and respond to the complexities of the evolving world;
Involve the project’s target groups and involve stakeholders in an informative and active debate.
This free whole-day hybrid event provided a great international platform for networking and participating in contemporary discussion with people from educational institutions and working life. The presentations and discussion were also broadcasted on Zoom, and recorded for future internal use of the participants.
Transnational project meeting, that was held on the 8th of April 2022 was solely dedicated to discuss state of the art and next steps of the project.
The event was held at Metropolia UAS, beautiful Arabia Campus.


Free online courses for teachers!
We are selecting teachers to participate in free online learning in English‼
“As part of the Erasmus+ consortium INNO-TEC-LAB, Digital Society School is able to offer a free Train the Trainer for educators, teachers, trainers, that are looking to innovate their own teaching practice and curriculum.
Do you (want to learn how to) work in an interdisciplinary context? Do you feel education is changing and are you curious to what trends, tools, skills and mindsets will impact the future? Would you like to exchange ideas, new perspectives and learnings with colleagues and professionals active at universities and schools in other parts of Europe? Then this training is for you!”
The training consists of four parts:
📌Introduction - december 13, 19:00
📌New technologies: opportunities and challenges within education - january 17, 16:00
📌Innovation and 21st century skills - january 24, 16:00
📌Project work
Registration: https://forms.gle/e1ALLoXTP7B5Dc9W9

Kick off meeting
2020-11-09 was the first meeting of project “Development of opportunities in the field of design for technical careers through innovation-laboratories – INNO-TEC-LAB”. Project code: 2020-1-IT02-KA203-079775 – INNO-TEC-LAB.
In the first meeting we got acquainted with the project and all project participants.
We look forward to other meetings and further work together!

First Newsletter

