Choose, achieve and maintain!
No. 08.3.1-ESFA-K-413-01-0060
Žmonės turintys proto ar psichikos negalią tikslingai išmokę konkretų darbą, gali puikiai jį atlikti ir tapti nepakeičiama komandos dalimi.
Stigmatizuotas požiūris į neįgaliuosius klaidina ne tik darbdavius, bet ir demotyvuoja negalią turinčius asmenis lavinti savo darbinius įgūdžius ir pilnavertiškai įsitraukti į darbo rinką ir visuomenę.
Šiaulių Socialinių inovacijų centro vykdomo projekto “Pasirink, pasiek, ir išlaikyk” tikslas - padėti socialinę atskirtį patiriantiems asmenims integruotis į darbo rinką.
Projektu metu, dalyviai ugdo darbinius, sveikos gyvensenos bei psichologinio atsparumo įgūdžius, yra informuojami apie profesijos pasirinkimą, laisvas darbo vietas, profesinį mokymą, taip pat, turi galimybę atlikti praktiką bei gauti individualią psichologinę konsultaciją.
Visos paslaugos yra teikiamos NEMOKAMAI
Dalyvių registracija ir platesnė informacija kontaktais:
Facebook: VšĮ Socialinių inovacijų centras
Internetinė svetainė:
El. paštu:
Telefonu: +370 61634383
Mūsų projektinės veiklos plečiasi!
Vasario 8 ir 17 dienomis, VšĮ Socialinių inovacijų centro socialinė darbuotoja Rūta lankėsi Pakruojyje ir pristatė projektą „Pasirink, pasiek ir išlaikyk!“.
Džiaugiamės, kad vietų skaičius grupėje kaip mat užsipildė ir nuo šiol Pakruojyje lankysimės dažniau.
Laukia įdomus ir darbingas laikas kartu!
Galbūt ir tu susiduri su sunkumais įsidarbinant?
Trūksta motyvacijos?
Nežinai, kuria karjeros kryptimi eiti?
Ieškokime atsakymų kartu!
Dėl tikslesnės informacijos kreipkitės:
Telefonu: +37060876748
El paštu:
Projekto koordinatorė: Rūta Poškaitė
El. paštas:
Tel. numeris: +370 60876748
Projektas Nr. 08.3.1-ESFA-K-413-01-0060 „Pasirink, pasiek ir išlaikyk!“ vyksta jau ketvirtus metus, o prie projekto veiklų prisijungė daugiau nei 100 dalyvių
Siekiame, kad apie projektą išgirstų kuo daugiau žmonių, tad džiaugiamės, jog prie projekto sklaidos nuo šiol prisideda Užimtumo tarnybos prie LR SADM Šiaulių klientų aptarnavimo departamento Šiaulių miesto 1- asis skyrius.
Kartu siekiame, kad darbo paieškos kelias būtų įdomus ir nevarginantis.
Dėkojame Užimtumo tarnyba Užimtumo tarnyba už sėkmingą bendradarbiavimą.
On 19th and 20th of June, Social Innovations Centre implementing the 2014-2020 European Union Funds Investment Action Program “Integration of Socially Excluded Persons into the Labour Market”: Choose, Reach and Keep! No. 08.3.1-ESFA-K-413-01-0060, had their second transnational meeting with Catholic Leuven University in Belgium. During their stay, Noor Seghers and Gilles Droogmans were introduced with methodologies that are being used in our centre, tools we created for this project. Moreover, they presented the tools they use, provided some useful insights. Also, organizational issues of the next visit in Belgium were discussed.
Our guests also were given the opportunity to talk with family and social workers from Aukštelkė Social Care Home. This organization is providing people with personal assistant service. Noor and Gilles were very interested in this discussion to know about personal assistance service in our country.
We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who participated and we hope it was not the last meeting!
Public Social Innovation Center, implementing the 2014-2020 European Union Funds Investment Action Program “Integration of Socially Excluded Persons into the Labor Market” project Choose, Reach and Keep!
No. 08.3.1-ESFA-K-413-01-0060 and is collaborating with international partners – non-governmental organization EMINO from Belgium.
Project aims to provide socially vulnerable people with social integration services in order to integrate them into labor market.
The first transnational meeting was held in Antwerp, Belgium. Partners presented their organization, its activities and projects they are implementing at the moment, shared their good practices. VšĮ Social Innovations Centre has gained useful knowledge and ideas working with socially vulnerable people in order to integrate the into labor market. Non-governmental organization presented the social work methods that are being used in their environment, which possibly could be used or implemented in Lithuania. Partners are pleased to share their experiences, working methods which can be implemented in Lithuania as well.
We are looking forward to our next meetings, who will bring lot of new ideas and opportunities to get good practice from our partners. Thanks for being together!
Public Social Innovation Center, implementing the 2014-2020 European Union Funds Investment Action Program “Integration of Socially Excluded Persons into the Labor Market”: Choose, Reach and Keep! No. 08.3.1-ESFA-K-413-01-0060, signed an international cooperation agreement with the Catholic Leuven University in Belgium, which not only trains more than 50,000 prospective professionals, but also carries out on scientific researches and international education.
On 23-24 January this year, the first international
cooperation meeting took place and our partner,
Noor Seghers, visited our Center. During her stay,
she presented her city and revealed how Belgium is
currently dealing with deinstitutionalisation, the
importance of personal assistant assistance and how the Belgian authorities work for disabled people. The colleague shared various thoughts and methodological tools on how to work with unmotivated clients and motivated them to return to the labor market, how to help disabled people to enter the work environment and what measures work most in practice in Belgium. We have heard a number of good practice examples, but at the same time we have had the opportunity to present our country’s good examples, discuss project activities and achieved and expected results. We also discussed with Eglė Jurkutė, which is an expert in the process of transformation of Šiauliai region what is changing in our country after the institucional transformation. Thanks to her for being together! During her stay in Lithuania, Noor Seghers, together with the Centre’s workers, visited the VšĮ "Dienos centras sutrikusio intelekto asmenims" in Kuršėnai. We had a wonderful opportunity to communicate not only with the employees, but also with the clients of the day center and their relatives. For a pleasant and meaningful time, we say a great thank you to the director of the day center, Virginija Norvaišienė, and even more to the clients of the Center for their wonderful gifts. And one more thank you goes to Janina Baranauskaite, the director of Aukštelkė Social Care Home, and Laimonas Milinavičius, Deputy Director of Social Affairs, for the opportunity to get acquainted with the services provided by the residential home and to hear about the challenges and future prospects of providing personal assistant services. We are looking forward to our next meetings, who will bring lot of new ideas and opportunities to get good practice from our partners.