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Project title: Urban garden specialist​
Project number: NPAD – 2021/10161Urban Garden specialist
The aim is to create the new programme that will foster the concept of green cities. The programme will be designed to be launched both in the classroom or as a distance learning programme. It will assist adults in learning new skills that will help them to improve their living environments. The programme will target its enrolment at young people, adults, or seniors, and will foster the quality of these people’s lives. The programme will also be valuable for people from the unprivileged social backgrounds or disabled people, as it will allow them to gain basic skills to find a job as well as cope with social and psychological barriers.
Project coordinators:
LV-CLIC Education Centre
Project partners:
LV-CLIC Education Centre
LT – VsI Center for Social Innovarion (LT)
SE-B- Creative Association (Sweden)(SE- BC)
LV – Riga Technical University, Latvia (LV-RTU)

Project news

We would like to introduce you to the Nordplus Adult project “Urban Garden Specialist” with the aim to develop knowledge for the young people or seniors who are eager to make their cities greener. The programme will be designed to be launched both in the classroom or as a distance learning programme. It will assist adults in learning new skills that will help them to improve their living environments. The programme will also be valuable for people from the unprivileged social backgrounds or disabled people, as it will allow them to gain basic skills to find a job as well as cope with social and psychological barriers.
You are welcome to visit Urban Garden Specialist website and read more about the project:
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